Environmental Permits
On this page, you can access all documents related to the Kern Water Bank Authority’s Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP), Natural Community Conservation Plan (NCCP), and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) permits.
The Kern Water Bank Authority Habitat Conservation Plan / Natural Community Conservation Plan was executed on October 2, 1997 by and among the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the California Department of Fish and Game, and Kern Water Bank Authority, a joint powers authority. Below are the major components of the HCP / NCCP available in a downloadable .pdf format.
• Kern Water Bank Authority Conservation and Storage Project Environmental Impact Report, 2018
1. Executive Summary2. EIR3. Appendices4. NOA5. Notice of Completion• Kern Water Bank Authority Conservation and Storage Project Environmental Impact Report – FINAL• Monterey Plus CEQA Documents
A1._Cover-Document A1 Volume IIDocument A Volume I_Public Draft7-1 Data Report7-2 Model Results7-2a Known Areas of Controversy7-3 Surface and Groundwater Quality7-4 (AQ-GHG)7-5a 1995 KWB MOU on Operations and Monitoring7-5b 2014 Interim Project Recovery Operations Plan7-5c Long Term Ops Plan KWB7-5d KWBA_WKWD_Agreement_13-121 final7-5e Cross Valley Canal Kern Water Bank Operating Guidelines during Shallow Groundwater Conditions7-6a 1997 KWBA IS and Addendum7-6b Resolution 2016-2 Re Monterey Plus REIR7-7a7-7b KWB HCP & NCCP, Appendix A. Kern Ops Manual7-7c KWB HCP & NCCP, Appendix C. Vegetation Management Plan7-7d KWB HCP Appendix D Waterbird Management Plan7-7e CESA authorizationFinal REIR