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The Kern Water Bank Authority is a Joint Powers Authority (JPA or KWBA) formed in October 1995 pursuant to California Government Code 6500 et seq. The JPA is a public agency that includes as its members several water districts, a water agency, and a mutual water company.

The JPA is governed by a board of directors which meets regularly in compliance with the Brown Act. Regular board meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 3:00 pm at the Kern Water Bank Authority office (1620 Mill Rock Way, Suite 500).

The JPA constructed and operates the Kern Water Bank on approximately 20,000 acres in Kern County, for the benefit of its members and their constituents, including more than 400 farmers and tens of thousands of residents in the City of Bakersfield and the County of Kern.

In proportion to their level of participation in the Kern Water Bank project, the JPA’s members have access to recharge, storage, and recovery capacity. Recharge, storage and recovery records are maintained by the JPA and by the Kern County Water Agency.

JPA Members

  • Dudley Ridge Water District
  • Kern County Water Agency
  • Semitropic Water Storage District
  • Tejon-Castac Water District
  • Westside Mutual Water Company
  • Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa Water Storage District