How to Purchase Conservation Credits

- An Applicant planning a project within the KWBA Permit Area that may require incidental take or mitigation should submit the following documents to the wildlife agencies: (1) project description; (2) map of project; and (3) biological resource survey. The contact information for USFWS and CDFG is as follows:
- USFWS : 2800 Cottage Way – W2605,Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 414-6600
- CDFG: 1234 East Shaw Avenue Fresno, CA 93710 (559) 243-4014
- The wildlife agencies will determine whether the land lost, temporarily or permanently, contains habitat of comparable or lesser value than the habitat in the Conservation Bank. They will also determine the amount of disturbance to be mitigated and the amount of mitigation required. Also, the wildlife agencies may establish on-site avoidance and minimization requirements.
- The Applicant should also contact KWBA to discuss the availability and cost of conservation credits. A disclosure letter may be requested by the Applicant which describes the application process and conservation credit fees.
- When the authorizing documents, usually letters from the wildlife agencies, and payment from the Applicant are received by KWBA, a letter confirming the transaction is issued to the Applicant and both wildlife agencies.
- At the end of the fiscal year, KWBA will issue Conservation Credit Certificates to: (1) the Applicant; (2) USFWS; and (3) CDFG indicating that a certain number of credits have been dedicated to the wildlife agencies on behalf of the project.
- KWBA will then permanently retire the Conservation Credits, by submitting a recordable Conservation Easement to CDFG for the purchased credits. Also, KWBA will forward the Endowment Funds ($375 per credit) collected from the credit buyers to CDFG.