What is the Conservation Bank?

Any number of activities in the San Joaquin Valley may result in the take of endangered species or the temporary or permanent disturbance of endangered species habitat (e.g. construction projects, maintenance activities, etc.). Federal and State law require that any person undertaking such activities permit them through the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG), respectively.
In some cases, these agencies will require mitigation for the project’s adverse impacts through the conservation of other suitable habitat. 3,267 acres of the KWB were designated as a Conservation Bank to assist those needing such mitigation for projects within the KWBA Permit Area in the southern San Joaquin Valley.
A brief description of the procedures to follow to use KWBA’s Conservation Bank and a map of the Permit Area are available under the Conservation Bank tab of the menu. Also, the Conservation Bank Agreement and other relevant documents may be accessed using the HCP/NCCP website tab.